Stay updated on the latest news Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Chunav 2025. Get details on election schedules, candidate lists, voting dates, live result
Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Chunav : Stay updated on the latest news about Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Election 2025. Get details on election schedules, candidate lists, voting dates, and live result updates for grassroots democracy in J&K.
Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Chunav 2025 : Panchayat elections in Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Chunav) can be announced in January. The State Election Commission has issued instructions to the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts, who are District Election Panchayat Officers, to conduct annual revision of the existing Panchayat voter lists. Special revision camps will be held. The term of Panchayats ended in Jammu and Kashmir in January this year. Since then, the announcement of elections is awaited.
After the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections were conducted peacefully, preparations are now underway for Panchayat elections. The basis of its eligibility has been kept as January 1, 2025. By this date, youth of 18 years or above can get their names included in the voter list. This revision is being done under Section 38 of the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act 1989. Six special camps will be organized. These camps will be held at all polling stations in Jammu and Kashmir.
The first camp was held on November 16 and after that camps were held on November 17, November 23, November 24, November 30 and December 1. In the camps, all the Panchayat election booth officers were present at their respective polling station locations with the required form for the claims and objections of the voters and the problems were resolved successfully.
BDOs were deployed at the center by the District Deputy Commissioners due to which the entire process could be completed easily. All claims and objections were received by the concerned BDO. Which was handed over to the District Deputy Commissioners with full details.
All claims and objections were submitted on the second day of the camp. Now the ERO will settle all claims and objections on December 20. The final Panchayat voter list will be published on 6 January 2025. After this, Jammu Kashmir Panchayat elections can be announced anytime.
The date of election results will also be announced at the time of announcement of elections. So stay here and subscribe for updates.
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